Message from Dov
TAG Lines – January 2019
This company is contagious…I thought, for the longest time, that holding my ideas to myself would keep me and everyone else from falling into failure. I was wrong for many years in not sharing my vision further than a one year plan.
What I’ve learned is that transparency is key while growing a company. On any level possible telling the employees the plans, both long-term and short-term, empowers everyone to drive forward and all thinking caps are engaged. It builds morale, team work, and a company culture which in turn builds a company I am proud of. When you believe in what you’re doing and you’re passionate it becomes contagious and inspiring. People want leaders with passion that welcomes inspiration. I never apologize for being excited about what I do. Everyone who knows me has heard me say that I can’t wait to come to work every single day! Why? For starters it’s the people I work with. I like to learn from them as much as they learn from me. It’s our customers who we help solve their pains and our manufacturers who listen to our feedback and deliver goods and services when we need them. This company is contagious, and I am passionate about its success.
Dov Koplovsky, Owner & CEO
TAG Global Systems
Read more: TAG Lines